The Literacy Review, 2016-17

Designer for this annual publication of The Literacy Review, published by the Writing Program of The Gallatin School of Individualized Study.

Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator

In a State of Suspension

A series of interactive 3D webpages.

HTML, Javascript, Three.js, Blender3D, Photoshop, Watercolor

Stay Sharp

Musings on the feeling of being stuck ft. 2D and 3D roses.

HTML, Javascript, Three.js, Blender3D, Poetry

Posters for the Gallatin Writing Program

Posters and flyers for events held by the Gallatin Writing Program for the year 2016-17.

Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator


Constellations is a series of illustrations inspired by quotes from my class on Walter Benjamin called "The Gleaners and I". Each illustration is accompanied with a short essay/contemplation based on the images those quotes evoked for me.

Photoshop, Indesign, Paint tool SAI


Temporalities is a series of photographic collages tied together with a poem that attempts to explore whether the aesthetics of architecture can stand independently of its historical context.

Photography, Photoshop

Built of Stardust

Built of Stardust is a series of images that are made up of the combination of outer space and Earthly spaces of Berlin. It is an attempt to illuminate the fact that we are all made up of the same particles. We are all particles of stardust. The stout buildings to the blue sky to you and I. There are no limitations because the same thing that lives in a star, lives inside you.

Photoshop, Photography, NASA database


Simultaneity was born once I noticed that slight changes in the manual settings of my camera produced different pictures of the same object. Light, shutter speed, focus, all affect the atmosphere and tone of a picture. It made me wonder how different the world would look if the wavelength of light were just a little bit bigger, or if the aperture in our eyes was wider. I started taking pictures of the same scene with slightly different settings. The fact that all these views of the same building exist at the same moment of time fascinated me, so I decided to patch them together, in an effort to create a more complete picture.

Photoshop, Photography, NASA database

Ich bin Berlin

Ich bin Berlin is a reflection on how we identify a city by it's icons and in turn we use them to identify ourselves in relation to that city.

Photography, Photoshop

Logos for NYU Radio

Worked freelance to provide an updated series of logos for WNYU, the NYU Radio Station, as well as logos for the specific shows, 'Weekly Refresh' and 'In the Scope' that air on the station. The first three logos are the final versions.

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop